Farm Fans Triple Stack Grain Dryer
- Click photo for Craigslist listing
FFI CMS-4263
- Vision N2 Control
- AC Meter Drive with VFD
- Grain inverters
- 8' Trash pan
- 4' Auger extension
- Watch Dog Software
- Outside catwalk on top 2 modules
- Full heat 5 pts 3,960 bph, Full heat 10 pts 2,460 bph
- paid twice as much for this new in 2013
- $140,000
Also Selling GSI/DMC 6' Air Transfer System
- 3-480 volt blower, air lock, control panel
- 75 hp motor and drive package
- 1 hp. air lock motor
- precleaner for air intake
- silencer for blower intake
- lots of 6" piping
- $22,000